UK Over 50s Housing Awards 2015
- Warwick Gates LLP | The Most Outstanding New Retirement Village Design in the UK in 2015
- The Stepping Stone Group | The Most Outstanding Extra Care Housing Design in the UK in 2015
- Stanbridge Interiors | The Most Outstanding Interior Design Consultancy to the Over 50s Housing Sector in the UK in 2015
- Saxon Weald | The Most Outstanding Affordable Housing Provider in the UK in 2015
- New Care Projects | The Most Outstanding Care Home Developer in the UK in 2015
- Lynwood Village | The Most Outstanding Retirement Village in the UK in 2015
- Lloyds Commercial Banking | The Most Outstanding Lender to the Healthcare Sector in the UK in 2015
- Linkage Community Trust | The Most Outstanding Provider of Learning Disabilities Services in the UK in 2015
- Legal & General | The Most Outstanding Long Term Investor in Social Housing in the UK in 2015
- Keith Cockell / ECVP Ltd | The Most Outstanding Creator of Over 50s Housing in the UK in 2015
- JDA Architects | The Most Outstanding Over 50s Housing Architect in the UK in 2015
- Conroy Brook (Developments) Ltd | The Most Outstanding Individual Contribution to Over 50s Housing in the UK in 2015
- Healthcare Ireland (Belfast) Ltd | The Most Outstanding Healthcare Development Entity in the UK in 2015
- Gavin O’Hare-Connolly / Amore Care | The Most Outstanding Home Executive in the UK in 2015
- Ernie Graham / Graham Care Group | The Most Outstanding Health Care Executive in the UK in 2015
- DonMentia Charity | The Most Outstanding Contributor to the Enhancement of Seniors Lives in the UK in 2015
- Conroy Brook (Developments) Ltd | The Most Outstanding Retirement Village Design in the UK in 2015
- Carling & Co | The Most Outstanding Provider of Affordable Housing in the UK in 2015