UK Over 50s Housing Awards 2014
- Abacare | The Most Outstanding Care Agency in the UK in 2014
- Churchill Retirement Living | The Most Outstanding Retirement Operator in the UK in 2014
- Amore Care | The Most Outstanding Residential Care Service in the UK in 2014
- Bouygues / Leadbitter | The Most Outstanding Home Builder in the Care and Extra Care Sectors in the UK in 2014
- Gentoo Group | The Most Outstanding Facilities/Housing Manager in the UK in 2014
- Goldsborough Estates | The Most Outstanding Retirement Property Manager in the UK in 2014
- Great Britannia Care Ltd | The Most Outstanding Nursing Agency in the UK in 2014
- Mansell Homes – Riverside Court | The Most Outstanding Multigenerational Village in the UK in 2014
- Mansell Homes – Seymour Gardens | The Most Outstanding Seniors Housing Development in the UK in 2014
- Milford Care – The Miraj Project | The Most Outstanding New Care Home Plan in the UK in 2014
- Parklands Group – Innis Mhor & Urray House | The Most Outstanding New Care Homes in the UK Completed in 2014
- Chris Ball – Maria Mallaband Care Group | The Most Outstanding Managing Director in the Care Home Sector in the UK in 2014
- Robert Stephenson-Padron – Penrose Care | The Most Outstanding Leader in the Care Sector in the UK in 2014
- Viridian Housing | The Most Outstanding Affordable Housing Provider in the UK in 2014
- Lynda Goldsmith – Caremark Limited | The Most Outstanding Healthcare Executive in the UK in 2014